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R & D achievements

In the process of underwater wellhead design and development, Shanghai Xiawei has obtained 39 patents, including 9 inventions, 24 utility models and 6 copyrights. Shanghai Xiawei was rated as "high tech enterprise" in Shanghai, the "winner" of the 9th China Innovation and entrepreneurship competition Shanghai and 2020 "entrepreneurship in Shanghai" international innovation and entrepreneurship competition, and the "excellent service team" of Lingshui operation company of CNOOC (China) Co., Ltd.

Through the 13th five year plan major scientific research project of CNOOC, the key technology research project of South China Sea deepwater drilling and completion, the sub project of "Research on localization of deepwater drilling and completion tools" and "underwater wellhead development and sea trial", the company successfully developed a complete set of underwater wellhead equipment and passed the sea trial, realizing the comprehensive upgrading and localization of underwater wellhead equipment, The products cover underwater wellhead equipment, tools, seals and other ancillary equipment. Two series of products, sxw-15 and sxw-10, have been designed and developed to meet the diversified needs of the domestic market. At the same time, the "underwater wellhead and Christmas tree integrated multi-functional test tooling" designed by the company for CNOOC Energy Development Co., Ltd. engineering technology branch was successfully put into use in Hainan.

Shanghai Xiawei is at the leading level in the design and development of underwater wellhead equipment compared with similar domestic companies. Relying on the design experience of sxw-15 / sxw-10 series products, the company has successfully turned to the design and development of underwater production and control system. It is expected that all tests of the products will be completed by the end of 2020 and the products will have sea trial capability

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